Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome 2012

This new year starts off with Hb cooking pineapple fillings for our homemade pineapple tarts (actually he started cooking since 11pm and haven't stop since then). We kind of got glued to the idea of perfecting our pineapple tarts since my first and Hb's second attempt a few days back, so we are now cooking the pineapple fillings for our next batch of pineapple tarts =D

As for 2012, no special thoughts at the moment. Actually is haven't got time to really think of any new year resolutions....(juz excuses....heehee). Anyway, I just hope that all wells ends wells =)

Wish everyone good health and abundance fortune for the new year =)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hillarys Boat Habour & AQWA

Since today is a PH over in Perth, we decided to bring the kids to Hillarys Boat Harbour for some fun at the mini beach and the aquarium, AQWA. The kids had such fun time that they were reluctant to leave, esp. YZ....haahaa =D

YZ: Where are we going?
PAPA: We are going home now.
YZ: NO! I want to go "Kai-kai"! No go home!!

Sand...Sand...I want more sand....

Lets go to the waters

Where are the fishes?!

Swim swim...swim like a fish....

Indian ocean

So many fishes behind us....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hb's B'day cum Xmas Celebration

Hb's b'day happens to be on Xmas day itself so we alwaz celebrate these two occasions together =) This year, we managed to get a small log cake for hb as his b'day cake...heeehee =P The gals enjoyed it alot and we had great fun together =D

Our greetings cards

Xmas gifts from Nana

Hb's b'day cake

Our mini Xmas celebration

Hurray!! New toys =)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Miller Studios

We won a photo session from Miller Studios in Perth when we went for a baby fair in August 2011 (^_^)

Looks what my sis got =D

Lovely Loving Sisters


Our Happy Family (",)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trip to Perth, Dec 2011 Part 1

This December trip to Perth is a very busy one for the kids....

Hb bought YZ her early Xmas gift (ps: ZM got a musical Pooh)

ZM learn to brush teeth on her own...heehee

Dinner @ Twilight Hawkers Market & Entertainment

Photo with Santa & Santarina

Housework with Papa

Swimming @ Royale - YZ

Swimming @ Royale - ZM

Fun Rides @ Forrest Place

Now is only 11 Dec, stay tuned for more updates....heehee =P

ZM's One Year Old Day

ZM's 1st b'day was an eventful one....

Morning 6am at Changi Airport T3 - 公公 & 婆婆 coming back from Shanghai Trip

Getting dressed for the day =)

At Baby U Studio for One Year Old photo shoot ;D

Trip to Tampines Mall - Police Car

Trip to Tampines Mall - Funny Yellow Car

Outing Trips in Nov 2011

Brought the kids out with my friends and family on two occasions in November 2011. First trip was to Haw Par Villa on 6 Nov 2011....went there with Eileen and family, Biyun and Shuping =)

At the entrance of HPV

Yuezuan running around with Yuyan, Yuxuan n Yuwei

Second trip was to Jacob Balla's Children Garden on 27 Nov 2011....went there with only Eileen and family....later we had nonya lunch at Ivins Ivins (gd choice and thanks ;p )

Under the GIANT mushrooms

Two good friends ;)

ZM getting a drink in the hot weather :P

Monday, December 5, 2011

ZaiMei's 1st B'day Celebration

We celebrated ZaiMei's b'day a little way in advance, on 20 Nov 2011. Her acutal day is on 1st Dec. Anyway, we had vegetarian at 8 Treasures Vege Rstn at Chinatown. The food was good and the portion ok. ZaiMei would like to thank all grandparents and uncles and aunties for all the gifts and angpaos.

October / November 2011

Time flies so fast! Never have enough time on hand, esp. with 2 kids to look after....Nothing really big in these two months though....Just some updates on their progress:-

YZ's progress:-
- getting more emotional n tempremental
- likes to do tracing and sing songs
- started toilet training

ZM's progress:-
- able to walk on her own
- likes to follow and imitate YZ
- cries whenever things dosen't go her way